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St. Catherine of Siena Parish
Farmingdale, New Jersey

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2014-ACA Information from Father Angelito

February 15/16 - This Sunday is Pledge Sunday for the Annual Catholic Appeal throughout the Diocese of Trenton. Each year the Bishop seeks the support of all of the members of the diocese, including us PRIESTS and PASTORS to further the work of our ministries. Each of us has a vital part in all we do in Christ’s name, and each of us can share in all we do with a generous gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal.

This year Saint Catherine’s share of the goal is $44,000.00. It is the same goal we had last year but unfortunately we only reached the amount of $40,484.00. Only 13% (195 parishioners) participated and contributed. I ask you to take a moment and truly reflect on any help you can give. We need everyone to participate. This year we again are striving to reach our diocesan goal of $8 million.

As we can see in today’s video as we launch the Annual Catholic Appeal, a gift to the appeal helps fund the vital ministries, programs and services of 109 parishes in Burlington, Mercer, Monmouth and Ocean Counties. With your generous participation and response to the Annual Catholic Appeal we can support youth and family ministries, Catholic education, vocations to the Priesthood and religious life, and the charitable works of our extended diocesan family.

Please take note that when our parish collects funds equal to the ACA goal, we will receive a 15% rebate. Funds collected in excess of the parish goal will earn a 50% rebate. A parish that increases their participation rate by at least 10% will receive an additional 5% rebate.

I as your Pastor, am always grateful and thankful and moved by the level of support you continually give to our parish community. I cannot thank you enough for this support, and may God shower you and your families with his blessings.

May God bless us,
Father Angelito

© 2022 Saint Catherine's - 31 Asbury Road, Farmingdale, New Jersey 07727 | phone: 732-938-5375 | fax: 732-938-3260
Religious Education 732-938-6229