St. Catherine of Siena Parish
Farmingdale, New Jersey

More about the Legion

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Let thy power overshadow me, and come into my soul with fire and love.
And make it one with Mary's love and Mary's will to save the world;
So that Christ my Lord will grow in me through Thee;
So that I with her, His Mother, may bring Him to the world and to the souls who need Him;
So that they and I, the battle won, may reign with her forever in the glory of the Blessed Trinity.

(from the Legionary Promise)

Who May Join the Legion of Mary?

Any practicing Catholic in the parish, man or woman, married or single, who agrees to follow the guidelines of the Legion of Mary may join St. Catherine's Legion of Mary, the Our Mother of Perpetual Help Praesidium.

The Praesidium at St. Catherine's is for those age 18 and older.

What is involved in being a member of the Legion of Mary?

Attend the weekly meetings, which are held each Thursday at 10:00 am in the Conference Room at St. Catherine's Parish Center.

Attend monthly curia meetings.

Support the evangelization mission of the church in some way each week. While not everyone feels able to go door-to-door and invite people to learn more about the Catholic Church in general and St. Catherine's specifically, there are many other ways to evangelize. Some of these include:

  • Work as a teacher or teacher's aide for the parish Religious Education program.
  • Welcome new parishioners and help them become integral members of the parish.
  • Encourage attendance at weekend and daily Masses by inviting someone who does not usually attend to attend with you.
  • Visit sick and/or elderly persons at home, in the hospital, or in an assisted living facility or other institution.
  • Visit those incarcerated.
  • Promote the recitation of the Rosary.
  • Invite inactive parishioners to different parish activities.
  • Serve on appropriate parish ministries.
  • Other activities as identified by the Praesidium.

Why Should You Join the Legion of Mary?

We are the hands and feet and voice of Christ on earth. As a member of the Legion of Mary, you are encouraged to embrace this aspect of being a Catholic and supported in the endeavors you undertake.

What if I Can't Attend the Weekly Meetings?

In addition to the active, core group of the legion that meets weekly, the Our Mother of Perpetual Help Praesidium at St. Catherine's includes auxiliary members who support the Praesidium with their prayers. Auxiliary members agree to say designated prayers, which include the Rosary, each day. They are always welcome to attend any of the weekly meetings, but are not required to do so.

How do I obtain further information about the Legion of Mary at St. Catherine's?

For further information on sharing this rewarding experience, call 732-919-1712 or 732-616-3127 or email .