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St. Catherine of Siena Parish
Farmingdale, New Jersey

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Music Ministry

The liturgical musicians' work is to support the prayer of the people. Musicians share in this work when they offer their time and talent to support the most important prayer of the Church. The term musician applies to both vocalists and instrumentalists.

The Cantors are those who provide musical leadership to the assembly during the celebration of the Eucharist through leading the sung prayer. This includes providing vocal as well as physical support to the community's sung prayer.

Together, the musicians, cantors, and vocalists have the unique privilege of being an instrument of Christ's Real Presence at such a vital faith moment. The Music Ministry at St. Catherine of Siena provides song leading support at the 4:30 pm Saturday Mass and the Sunday 10:00 am and 11:30 am Masses and for evening Masses on Holy Days.

Musical accompaniment is supplied for the song leaders.

The Children's Choir practices from 6:30 to 7:30 pm on Tuesdays and sings at the 11:30 am Mass on selected Sundays.

For further information, contact the Parish Office at frontoffice@sienachurch.org.

If you LOVE to sing and have always wanted to be more involved in the liturgy, consider joining the  Music Ministry .

Our Music Director oversees the music program at Saturday and Sunday Masses. Congregational singing is strongly encouraged. For additional information on the Music Ministry, please stop by after weekend Mass and speak to our Music Director or email the Parish Office at  frontoffice@sienachurch.org.

© 2024 Saint Catherine's - 31 Asbury Road, Farmingdale, New Jersey 07727 | phone: 732-938-5375 | fax: 732-938-3260
Religious Education 732-938-6229

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