Ministry Overview
Altar Servers
St. Catherine’s has both male & female Altar Servers - young people in Grades 4 and up, as well as adults, assist at Mass. For further information please contact Deacon Dan at .
Annual Catholic Appeal
Each year the Diocese holds the Annual Catholic Appeal. Through the Annual Catholic Appeal, we put our faith into action, being mindful not only of our own parish community but of the bigger community as well to which we belong. When a parish collects funds equal to their ACA goal, they receive a 15% rebate. Funds collected in excess of the parish goal earn an added 50% rebate. A parish that increases their donor rate by at least ten percent from the prior year receives an additional 5% rebate. Please make your pledge and help us meet our goal for this year.
Annulment Advocate
For those seeking assistance in obtaining an annulment, St. Catherine's offers the services of our Annulment Advocate. For further information, contact the Parish Office and you will be put in touch with the Annulment Advocate.
Baptism Preparation
The Scarament of Baptism is celebrated on a Sunday at 1:00 P.M. Arrangements must be made in advance. St. Catherine's holds Baptism Preparation class on Sunday. Attendance is mandatory for parents. Sponsors (godparents) also are encouraged to attend. Please Schedule a Date for a Class ... ideally, prior to the birth of the baby.
Buildings and Grounds
The Buildings and Grounds Committee is made up of Fr. Angelito, Chairman Joe Cox, and members Jim Ferris, Perry Mastrola, Dan McGee, and Frank Sardone. They meet monthly to review upcoming projects. The committee assists in the maintenance and upkeep of the Church's three buildings: the Rectory, Church complex, and the Chapel. If you have any questions, please contact Joe Cox at
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary Ministers assist with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass and some also bring Holy Communion to the sick and to the homebound. For further information please call the Parish Office at 732-938-5375.
Finance Council
Your finance council is made up of Fr. Angelito, Chairman Thomas Randazzo, and members Robert Ambrose, Joe Cox, and Donna Lee. Parish Trustees, Robert Mercado and June Hankel, also serve as members of the council. They meet periodically to review the budget for the upcoming year, to review the financial reports for the current year and to ensure that all controls are in place to assure all parties that the assets of the parish are well protected. Should you have any questions, please reach out to any member of the committee or write them a note at the parish office and one of the members will get back to you as soon as possible.
Funeral Preparation Coordinator
A Funeral Preparation Coordinator is available to help families make appropriate arrangements when a loved one passes. Please contact the Parish Office at 732-938-5375 for further information.
Homebound Ministry
This ministry is an outreach program to assist our Parish in bringing Holy Communion to parishioners who are homebound. It also provides a means for homebound parishioners to enrich their spiritual lives by receiving comfort, companionship, and visits from fellow parishioners. For more information contact or call the Parish Office at 732-938-5375.
Hospitality Committee
When special events are held in the Parish Hall, the Hospitality Committee is there to assist in obtaining the necessary supplies and in setting up the hall for the event. For further information, please contact the Parish Office at 732-938-5375 and you will be put in contact with the head of the Hospitality Committee.
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus welcomes all men over the age of 18 to become a member of St. Catherine of Siena's council. Devoted to the principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism, The Knights of Columbus strives to be a positive Catholic presence in both our parish and community. If you wish to join this brotherhood of over 1.8 million world-wide members or for further information, please email St. Catherine's council at
Legion of Mary Auxiliary
The Legion of Mary Auxiliary is for anyone (man or woman) who loves the Lord and the Blessed Mother. Members of the Legion of Mary Auxiliary say the Legion Rosary every day and share their faith with others. The Legion of Mary Auxiliary also oversees the Pilgrim Virgin Statue Program. For further information on sharing this rewarding experience email
Liturgy Committee
The Liturgy Committee assists Father Angelito in planning the Parish's liturgical and para-liturgical celebrations. It brings together representatives of several apostolates to involve as many parishioners as possible in the full, conscious, and active participation in the Church's worship.
Ministry to the Sick
Although St. Catherine’s does have a Homebound Ministry, you also may call the Parish Office if a family member is hospitalized or homebound and is in need of a priest. Emergency sick calls at any time.
Money Counters
Teams of parishioners take turns counting and depositing the weekend and holyday collections. Parishioners can assist the counters by considering the following guidelines: mark the amount enclosed on
the envelope; do not cut, tape or otherwise mutilate the envelope; and smooth bills out as much as possible.
Music Ministry
Our Music Director oversees the music program at Saturday and Sunday Masses. Congregational singing is strongly encouraged. Contact the Parish Office for further information.
Parish Pastoral Council
The Pastoral Council assists the Pastor in envisioning the future of St. Catherine of Siena Parish. The role of the council is to recommend actions in consultation with the Pastor after researching matters related to evangelization, worship, word, community, service, stewardship and leadership, in other words, the elements that are truly pastoral, hence Pastoral (pastor all) Council. We have no power, no authority, no budget…we are an advisory council, trying to give our help in fostering pastoral activity. Here’s what we do: 1. STUDY - First we study an issue that has been brought to our attention, 2. REFLECT - Then, as a group, we prayerfully reflect on what we have learned, and 3. RECOMMEND - We then bring our recommendations and conclusions to Father Angelito. For more information, please email the Pastoral Council at
R.C.I.A. ( Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Are you interested in becoming a Catholic? Are you a baptized Christian, whether Catholic or non-Catholic, and have the desire to receive First Holy Communion and Confirmation? Would you like to gain a clearer understanding of the Catholic faith? Do you know of a family member, neighbor or friend whose answer is yes to any of these questions? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, better known as RCIA, is designed to meet these needs. RCIA is open to adults (17 and older). Currently, RCIA meets at 7 pm on the first and third Tuesdays of the month, September through June. Other times can be arranged as needed if other groups are formed. If interested, please email
Children's Faith Journey is a process that invites any child age 7 to 18, interested in the Catholic Faith, to discover what the Catholic Church teaches and believes. It is open to anyone seeking to get to know Jesus. Like the RCIA for adults, this process is accomplished in a comfortable, friendly and informal environment designed for children. Certain Rites are celebrated in the church throughout their journey in faith. If interested, please email
St. Catherine of Siena has a team of Readers who read the Scriptures at all Saturday, Sunday and Holy Day Masses. A Handbook for Proclaimers is supplied. For further information, Contact Deacon Dan Sakowski.
Readers for Daily Mass
St. Catherine's also has a team of readers who read the scriptures at daily Masses at the Chapel. For further information, contact the Parish Office.
Religious Education Program for Children
St. Catherine’s Religious Education Program is grounded on the traditional teachings and practices of the Catholic Church. It is a gradual and continuous program, beginning with Grade 1 and continuing through Grade 8. Grade 2 is a Sacramental Year in which the children are prepared for their reception of 2 Sacraments: First Reconciliation and then First Holy Communion. Preparation for the reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation is a 2 year process, beginning in Grade 7 and continuing through the completion of Grade 8. Reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation is administered to those who have successfully completed the Program and have met all Parish, Diocesan and Canonical requirements. Confirmation will be administered in Grade 8.
The Program is served by volunteer catechists, class aides, and various other assistants who by their very own commitment to God and Church, witness to the ultimate value of our faith and our loving relationship with God and each other, as Jesus has taught us to do. All volunteers, and especially parents, are expected to live out their Marriage and Baptismal promises and see that Religious Education continues at home by good example – especially by regular Mass attendance and prayer in the home. It is most important that the children know that God is first priority in their lives. For more information, email Janet Amato at or Laura Randazzo at
Respect Life Committee
The goal of the diocesan Respect Life Ministry is to assure that the message of care for the human person is acknowledged at every stage of life. The ministry strives to educate all Catholics and others of good will in the area of Respect Life. The mission of this ministry is the conversion of both minds and hearts to the truth of Christ. The Ministry seeks to provide opportunities to successfully teach that all life is sacred from conception to natural death. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we are the People of Life.
Rosary Altar Society
St. Catherine of Siena has a Rosary Altar Society for the women of the Parish. The group meets monthly with the exception of January and the summer months. The meetings begin with group recitation of the Rosary in the Church, followed by a business/social meeting held in either Classroom #10 or in the Parish Hall.
All women of the parish are invited to join the Rosary Altar Society. Email or the Parish Office at for more information.
The Sacristan is appointed by the Pastor of the church and is responsible for the Sacristy and church-related ceremonial equipment.
Social Concerns Commission at St. Catherine of Siena Parish ministers to all those in need within our parish, our commuity, our diocese, our country and our world. Our purpose is to encourage all members of the parish to live out our baptismal promise. Our goal is pursued through prayer, discussion, acts of service, education and advocacy.
For more information or ways you can assist, please e-mail or call the parish office at 732-938-5375.
The Good Samaritan Ministry is a part of the Social Concerns Commission. It is is an outreach ministry of the parish that discerns ways to help individuals and families who are facing temporary, emergency hardships. We extend Christ’s compassionate concern to the poor and all people of our local community with spiritual, financial and food assistance. Call 732-938-5375 for direct assistance.
For more information or ways you can assist, please e-mail or call the parish office at 732-938-5375.
Legally, a parish is a corporation. Trustees are two of the five member board of directors of the corporation. (The others are the Bishop, Vicar General and Pastor) They are responsible for watching over the finances of the parish, making sure the corporation is doing right for the parish, and reporting to the diocese that everything is well.
Ushers assist in greeting and seating parishioners at weekend Masses, passing the collection baskets, handing out Church Bulletins, and tidying up the pews after Mass. For further information please contact the Parish Office at 732-938-5375.
We offer VIRTUS Training at St. Catherine of Siena Parish for anyone in our parish and the surrounding area within the Diocese of Trenton who will be working with or around children. Whether you are a volunteer or a paid employee of the Diocese...if you work or are required to be around minor children you MUST attend a VIRTUS Training Session and complete the requirements for fingerprinting and security background checks. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Walking with Purpose
Walking with Purpose is a Catholic Women's Bible study offering personal study and small group discussion. For more information, please email
St Catherine of Siena Parish has a website at . If anyone has any corrections or suggestions for the website, please contact Stephanie Harakal at
Welcome Committee
The Welcome Committee extends a warm and considerate welcome to the newest adults and families of St. Catherine of Siena. It is our mission to help new parishioners feel “at home” - welcoming them at parish events, encouraging them along their faith journey, fostering relationships, and inclusion into our Church community. Each new member will hear a voice of welcome from a committee member, as the Welcome Committee will gladly answer any questions about the parish and its numerous ministries. For more information please email
Youth Ministry
Established in the Fall of 2002, this program is open to all 8th thru 12th Graders. The group meets monthly (with a summer break) from 6:00 to 7:30 pm in the Parish Hall. Please contact Deacon Dan Sakowski for further information.